NOVEMBER: Story, character design, storyboards
11.19 - 11.21 Nice Storyboards
11.23 - 11.28 Color bars / chart / script
DECEMBER: Styling, more color concepts, visual development
12.3 - 12.5 Location Viz Dev
12.19 - 12.22 Style frame combos [hand-watercolor, digital texture, outlined]
12.29 - 12.31 Viz Dev other possibilities [Africa, Inuit]
JANUARY: Finalize characters, testing styles and snow effects, and get faculty together for PRELIM
**APPROXIMATION: Subject to change due to class schedule**
o1.o4 - o1.o8 Final renders and sketch compilations [expressions and anatomy] of characters
o1.1o - o1.13 Visual test of spinning and / or scene of style chosen
o1.17 - o1.21 Ask digital teacher's opinion
o1.21 - o1.23 Make changes to tests if needed
o1.28 - o1.3o Prepare for Thesis Preliminary Presentation [get faculty together, too]
FEBRUARY: Catch up on tests, start animating, constantly get feedback, think about sound
MARCH: Keep animating and getting feedback, make rough sound to animated scenes
APRIL: Present to thesis class again, keeping animating and cut together scenes
MAY: Continue process, school ends
**Work progress during the summer if no internship**
ESTIMATED BUDGET [subject to change when necessary]!