
::MF2 F4LL 2o1o::

After having a rough summer, I decided to do a story that my partner and I came up with a year and a half ago about our relationship and our situation.  It even had a website dedicated to it, but I think I may save it for another time.  I wracked my brain an awful lot this past month trying to come up with different kinds of solutions, and at one point, I had 7 different ways of trying to get around my story.  That was the problem.  It wasn't solved.  However, I remember reading a story about a little girl and a wolf in a graphic novel, and it came to me in a dream.  Funny how things just come to you--it's a really awesome feeling, m071v4710n.  No, it was not Little Red...

I  changed the story a little from the previous idea, and am well on my way to start designing characters and going crazy on visual development.  Wish me luck!  :]  XD  X3  XP